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A digital résumé, you say?

Is this something I'm supposed to put on my website?

Because this website has multiple angles where I'm both a software developer and a woman, a dog enthusiast and an ultimate frisbee player, anyways you get the picture... because this website is about more than just my work, this resume may seem a little random. It's not a resume for any particular job... but it's a resume to who I am, what I define myself as.

If you find yourself saying "...but I just want to see her resume", I guess you can skip to the real deal with the button below.

About: About


Like, where I went to school!

Quantic School of Business & Technology

October 2023 - Present

Working full time AND getting your master's? Why not! I'm currently enrolled and actively learning quickly in Quantic's fully online 14 month executive MBA program. 

Executive MBA expected Jan 2025

Harvey Mudd College

Fall of 2012 - Spring of 2016

In this time, I figured out who I was as a person. I played Ultimate Frisbee competitively, was involved in dorm and Mudd culture, and managed to pick up a very useful degree along the way.

B.S. in Computer Science

University of Adelaide, South Australia

July 2014 - November 2015

I studied abroad in Australia for a semester. I learned a lot about love and played a lot of frisbee and didn't learn much about anything particularly serious, which was a very nice change.

Kamiak High School

September 2011 - June 2012

I worked really really hard in high school to get into a good college. I think I was so busy working hard and competing in sports and treating everything like it mattered much more than it did to really have much fun. But all the pictures and statuses I posted on Facebook seem to suggest that I had fun anyways.

About: CV

Other cool things!

Stuff that didn't fit in the above sections

Tech Meets Business: Kaitlyn Anderson on the Quantic EMBA Experience

I had the fantastic opportunity to chat with my classmate Phil Smy about my experience with the Quantic eMBA so far. I also got the opportunity to brag about Streem and Frontdoor.

AR Minute: Why include Android in your mobile strategy?

Check out my AR minute interview with Nathan C. Bowser as we explore Android in a cross-platform ecosystem.

I led an Android Study Jam at DevFest NYC 2021

If you're interested in learning Motion Layout in a hands-on session, you can watch here to follow along with me as I lead an Android Study Jam on this MotionLayout

I spoke at Women Who Code's CONNECT Forward conference!

Building Beautiful Android Animations with MotionLayout

I spoke at AnDevCon 2017!

I was selected as a speaker at AnDevCon 2017, a developer's conference for Android enthusiasts. I spoke about layouts and how to leverage them to make your app better. You can take a look at the other speakers here, or see more information about my class (and others!) here.

2016 Commencement Speech

I was the student commencement speaker for my graduation from college. A link to the YouTube of the speech is here 

Hint: My introduction starts at 17 minutes and 47 seconds if you don't want to watch a whole commencement

Holiday Party Pix


Like, where I went to work!


September 2022 - Present

Engineering Manager

Took on a more general Engineering Manger role. Lead efforts behind mobile strategy and native SDKs in addition to a React Native SDK initiative. 


April 2021 - September 2022

Android Engineering Manager

Helping to lead the Android team including organizing work, prioritizing, supporting and advocating for Android, coding, and hiring.


September 2019 - April 2021

Android Engineer

Worked from early days of Android SDK through first public release and maintenance. Took on multiple leadership roles in the organization. Lead small team on integrating connection services into the Android SDK.


April 2018 - September 2019

Android Developer 

Working on the seller's experience team to help make eBay a user-friendly and effective place to sell everything from your Apple TV Generation 1 to your grandma's tchotchkes. Both developing new features and helping maintain and improve existing ones.  

Uncorked Studios

June 2016 - March 2018

Android Developer

Still learning how to adult and learning how to develop for Android. Working on cool impactful projects that I can't tell you about (or else I'd have to kill you!). Hanging out with cool people and dogs every weekday. 

Gimbal, Inc.

September 2015 - May 2016

iOS Developer

For our final project (called Clinic at Harvey Mudd), a team of my peers worked with Gimbal to develop an iOS app. With some very intense engineering algorithms and a lot of late nights, we managed to develop something that would help them locate their beacons, all while earning 6 credits for it!


May 2014 - July 2014

Web Developer

I interned at NGP VAN for a summer at my first tech internship. I worked mostly on web development in and learned some SQL as well. I also learned scrum and all things Agile and smashed some bugs in the process!

About: CV
About: Projects


As promised, here's the "real" resume. 

If you like what you see and want to chat, there are several methods in which to do so! I am currently open to new friends and building my network. If you are a recruiter, feel free to reach out here or via LinkedIn.


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