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The Blog

40 hours a week I write in code...
Here's what little I can do in English

Birth Control In Review

I’m 24, I’ve been sexually active for over 7 years, and I have so far avoided the dreaded positive pregnancy test. I remember Juno being one of my favorite movies as a kid and I watched and rewatched with joint fascination and horror at the unfolding events. While I have always known I want to be a mother someday, that someday isn’t today or tomorrow or even any day in the next 6–8 years. I want to be a mother on my own terms when I’m ready emotionally, physically, and financially. Because of this, and because of my ever-changing body and needs, I have used several different methods of birth control.


Layout Lessons! Better Android Layouts

Android developers generally regard layouts with varying levels of distaste, ranging from “meh” to downright disgust.

Sure, it’s not great to leave the cozy comfort of Java to jump into the tagging sea that is XML, but there are a few layouts that, with a small amount of up-front effort, can have a large positive impact on your app in general.

For reference, here is a link to the GitHub repo where I pull a few of my examples. It might help to have this open as we go through it.

Let’s jump in!

How to Talk to Your Coworkers About Privilege

Vivianne Castillo’s post, Part II: The P-Word, inspired the Diversity Action Committee at Uncorked Studios to build an activity that helped us dig deeper into concepts of privilege.

Privilege isn’t easy to talk about. The activity helped us focus our conversations around it, and so we wanted to turn this idea into something concrete we could share with others who want to begin to understand and acknowledge privilege.


Nevertheless, She Persisted

When I was a child, my parents put me a myriad of sports. I played soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball; I ran track and cross country, tried jumping over hurdles, and jumped into a big pit of sand; I swam competitively, and I joined the Ultimate Frisbee team. In these sports (played almost exclusively with other women) I learned important lessons like teamwork, determination, the virtues of practice and the excitement of competition. But when it came time to do a segment in PE for a sport that I had been playing outside of school, I hated it. I hated how the PE teacher spent more time on the boys....

Blog: Projects
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